• STEP 1: Sign up for Innit on our official site: Innit.audio.

    STEP 2: View the install page (automatically redirects after sign up and sent as email). 

    STEP 4: All set!

  • One of these is the driver (what actually fuels our algorithm), and the other is the application UI which lets you configure, toggle, and experience Innit in an easy-to-understand way. 

  • Go to the "Help" tab on the Innit application, and then look under "Versions".

    We are currently on Innit Application Version 1.3.3 .

    If you don't have the latest version, close the Innit app and restart it. If that doesn't update it to the latest, please download the latest version here.

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  • STEP 1: In your system settings, "Installed apps" > InnitAudio App > ••• > Uninstall

    STEP 2: Repeat Step 1 with InnitAudio Core